1⃣0⃣,0⃣0⃣0⃣ HOURS

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Progress Tracker

{% set total_hours = namespace(value=0) %} {% for entry in entries %} {% if entry.manual_hours %} {% set total_hours.value = total_hours.value + entry.manual_hours %} {% elif entry.clock_in and entry.clock_out %} {% set total_hours.value = total_hours.value + ((entry.clock_out - entry.clock_in).total_seconds() / 3600) %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {{ "%.1f"|format(total_hours.value) }} / 10,000
{{ (total_hours.value / 10000 * 100)|round(1) }}%

Clock In/Out

Manual Entry

Add Category

Time Entries

{% for entry in entries %} {% endfor %}
Date Category Description Hours
{{ entry.date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') }} {{ entry.category.name }} {{ entry.description }} {% if entry.manual_hours %} {{ entry.manual_hours }} {% elif entry.clock_in and entry.clock_out %} {{ ((entry.clock_out - entry.clock_in).total_seconds() / 3600)|round(2) }} {% elif entry.clock_in %} In progress... {% endif %}